Online stores are not killing physical stores

The online store is not killing the physical store but adding value to the retail business model. The average value of an online purchase picked up at an outlet is higher because the basket can be proactively complemented with additions to the original purchase during pick-up. In certain cases, the customer can even be offered a better product during pick-up. This case relates to stores with IT products but also applies to other businesses.
John Lewis is a British commercial company with almost 150 years of tradition. Its presence on the Isles includes 40 commercial centres and almost 300 Waitrose supermarkets, online and catalogue sales, production and a farm. Their annual sales amount to around 9 billion pounds, and their figures on multi-channels marketing are as follows:
»Online sales aren’t cannibalising the physical store. Anyone who thinks so should withdraw, retire or move to a remote island,«, says Martin Newman from the consultancy Practicology.